"Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."— Dylan Thomas

Virtuous Vapidity
(a Villanelle)

I am what I have been and what I’ll be.
Upon a ballot you will see a name
Whatever that was, that (for now) is me.

Don’t worry if you think we won’t agree
You’ll mark the proper box despite your aim.
I am what I have been and what I’ll be.

Some may have told you one and one make three,
while others, counting higher, rig the game.
Whatever that was, that (for now) is me.

“I love our country,” as (I’ve said) do we
who say we love it. Did I not exclaim:
“I am what I have been and what I’ll be”?

Does “being” not explain why we are “free”
to have our votes ignored, much to our shame.
Whatever that was, that (for now) is me.

Long pauses signal not profundity
nor mouth-noise from a face-hole “words” so lame.
I am what I have been and what I’ll be.
Whatever that was, that (for now) is me.

Michael Murry, "The Misfortune Teller," Copyright 2024